(96 image stack)

My problem is that I can't get the 3D Rocking to work for me. This may just be because I'm not grasping conceptually what's going on.
I went to Options > Preferences > Stereo/Rocking in ZS and I got a choice of settings. I tried the default settings first:
First image maximum shift in X and Y +3
Last image maximum shift in X and Y -3
I chose Number of output images: 3 - just to speed things up - then ran the stacking in PMax.
I only selected a sequence of 10 images from my 96 to keep it simple.
The result is:

One image " smeared" to the left, one fine, one smeared to the right.
Assuming that the issue was something to do with the setting, I ran it again using all combinations of X and Y, first and last image, and +4 to -4 but always the same problem. Here's the result at the minimum settings: +1 and -1, number of output images 4:

The smearing is reduced at minimum settings but still very evident. I've tried this with different stacks of images with the same result. Can anyone help?
Many thanks,