Bathroom spider, up very close

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Bathroom spider, up very close

Post by rjlittlefield »



Nothing elegant here, just your basic spider.

I was cleaning a long unused guest bathroom, and found this recently dead spider. The abdomen was pretty shriveled, but the legs were still flexible and the carapace and eyes looked fine. So...

I notice this beast has the same feathered hairs that turned up on my higher resolution pedipalp from last year. They're obviously in the same group, but I haven't attempted to take this one to species level yet. As far as I know now, it's just your basic "bathroom spider". (Arachnophobes, beware! :D )


Technical: Canon 300D camera, Olympus 38 mm f/2.8 bellows macro lens at f/4, 52 frames at 0.002" step, Zerene Stacker, PMax. Dual fiber halogen illuminator at reduced illumination, 1 second exposure time at ISO 100, custom white balance.

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Post by Planapo »

Makes one think how the world looks like, seen through a blackberry, doesn't it?! :wink:

Those spiders found around the house have great character and are worthwhile subjects for shooting for sure.

(Note to myself: Look what great photos your buddies of are producing alongside their other daily tasks. Get going you lazy girl and take pictures!)


P.S. Had just typed in "blackberry" in google's image search to see if I chose the right English berry name. What it spits out :shock: is rather not what I had expected and quite disappointing. :roll:

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Post by rjlittlefield »

"seen through a blackberry"

Hhmm, I'm not understanding this one.

Are you referring to the eight big eyes, which look a lot like the segments of a blackberry fruit?

Or making a pun about the communication device?

Or something else?


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Post by Planapo »

I'm sorry for causing confusion, Rik.

The eyes of this spider reminded me of a blackberry (=blackberry fruit).

I then was not sure if blackberry was the right name for the dark Rubus fruits, since in German we do not call it "Schwarzbeere" but "Brombeere". Hence I searched with google images for blackberry to confirm, but just got loads of pictures with cell phones, obviously called like the fruit or plant.

Looking again at your pictures (and being no more distracted by the "blackberry" on top) I must say that ZS has processed all these hairs really nicely!


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