Pollen of Erodium cicutarium

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Pollen of Erodium cicutarium

Post by rjlittlefield »


Yesterday I posted a shot of the Anthers and stigma of Erodium cicutarium.

Ken Nelson asked for a closer shot of just the pollen. Of course I couldn't resist the challenge.

Getting this image was a surprisingly frustrating process -- particularly since I always expect to get frustrated! Through a microscope, with strong backlighting, I could see the texture of the pollen much more strongly than I could bring out any other way. But test photos in that mode were complete duds, and I didn't think I could figure out how to fix the setup in time available.

So in the end, I backed off to a macro setup, using combined back- and front-lighting with a dual-fiber halogen illuminator.

I wish this were a bit sharper, but it definitely shows more detail than you can see in yesterday's image! :lol:

Hope you enjoy it.


Technical: Canon 300D with 10X NA 0.25 microscope objective on 210 mm of extension, strongly sharpened and severely cropped. Stacked with Helicon Focus at 0.0002" focus step.

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Location: Richland, Washington State, USA

Post by rjlittlefield »

Followup: see Single pollen grain of Erodium cicutarium, in the Micro forum.


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Post by beetleman »

And you came through with flying gold colors Rik. :wink:
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