Ever wondered why a fly flies or makes circles around food for en-number of times?
Sure it is after the food.But the fascinating part is,they have taste receptors on their feet and on the tips of the wings.So when they are flying and stand/sit on something they are actually tasting that particular subject. Tiny hairs on the feet of the fly relay taste signals to its basic brain telling the various flavours it can savor on.

Flies do blow bubbles to clean their mouthparts with this fluid, more or less to flush them, and after they are ready they ingest the fluid again.
Flies can use bubbling for cooling of overheated body ? thermoregulation.

Insect eyes like those of robberflies,houseflies,wasps etc all have a peculiar pattern.But wary in the terms of image processing.
Take the case of this housefly.
The main eyes are made up of huge number of small eyes.So each dot you see on the eye structure is one eye.Its like hundreds of miniature cameras all synced up and transmitting images constantly.
The interesting part is,due to this structure,flies see a combination of a mosaic.So they dont see a clear image,but a mosaic of images.Upon this,due to their body structure,the brain is quite small considering the eye structure.Due to this,the fly sees us as stop animation subjects.It doesnt see as 30fps or so.It sees frozen images moving in between.Like CCTV footage.
Pretty awesome indeed.
If you have some more facts,things do share..