SPIDERS No. 32 – Spinnerets Part 1

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Walter Piorkowski
Posts: 693
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:42 pm
Location: South Beloit, Ill

SPIDERS No. 32 – Spinnerets Part 1

Post by Walter Piorkowski »




Leitz Ortholux microscope
4X Leitz projection eyepiece plus 1/3x relay lens

Image No.1.
Inverted abdomen posterior showing three paired spinnerets, the anal tubercle (bottom) and the colulus (between the upper two cone shaped spinnerets).
Undiffused EPI illumination.
86 images at .001 inch increments, Leitz UO 4x Achromat.

Image No.2.
Close up of the large cone shaped anterior lateral spinnerets and posterior median spinnerets, at center.
Reflected diffused fiber-optic illumination.
64 images at .001 inch increments, Leitz UO 6.5x Achromat.

Image No.3.
Details of single, left side, anterior lateral spinneret.
Reflected diffused fiber-optic plus EPI illumination.
154 images at 5 micron increments, Leitz UO 11x Achromat.

Canon 50D
Zerene PMax stacking.
Processing in Photoshop and Bibble Pro 5.

I present for your review the beginnings of a long term study of spider spinnerets. Improving on my early efforts years ago, I can now show images that provide more detail. My main interest in this subject was sparked by the remarkable SEM images of spinnerets showing spigots and even spigot silk emanating from piriform glands. I wasn’t lucky enough to have silk with my subject, but I can show spigots, hundreds in fact. I had no idea that so many spigots were employed in the manufacture of the one single strand seen with the naked eye. These will be seen in part 2.


Posts: 2137
Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:43 pm

Post by Mitch640 »

I have missed your beautiful and informative images Walt. And Wow, what a return. The images are beautiful, but also of a subject that has interested me since my single digit years when I watched my first spider making a web in my bedroom window. :)

Really looking forward to the next installment.

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