Araneus quadratus - 4Spot Orb Weaver spider (unusual joints)

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Bruce Williams
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Araneus quadratus - 4Spot Orb Weaver spider (unusual joints)

Post by Bruce Williams »

Hi folks,

Araneus quadratus is my favourite British spider. This spider builds a classical orb web and usually builds a little funnel of papery silk off to one side where she sits in wait or devours her prey. She is extremely variable in colour (from light yellow to dark burgundy red - and the female is a good size too (approximately same size as it's close relative the common Garden Spider). So in my book an ideal subject for close-up photography.

I took this photo of a female (after egg laying by the look of her abdomen) back in early September. It's not a particularly good angle, however I was intrigued by the light yellow, jelly-like substance visible at the joints. Does it indicate that the spider is ready to molt do you think?

Camera was an 8 megapixel Minolta A2.




Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Don't know a whole lot about spiders there Bruce, as anyone on here can tell you, they give me the creeps. Yes, I am aracniphobic :lol: However despite my phobia, I do manage occasionally to photograph a few of the eight legged critters. These are some good macros Bruce, great job. :D

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Post by beetleman »

It is one hell of a shot Bruce. I could only guess on the Joint compound. It could be skin molt lube :roll: "Get Closer" I like the angle...out of the ordinary :wink:
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