Moderators: Chris S., Pau, Beatsy, rjlittlefield, ChrisR
There's no magic I'm aware of Rik. Diffuse lights shining on one side of a ping pong ball containing the scene on a glass bead. The ball bounces fill light around inside, but the back half is blacked out. Specimens are arranged to avoid distance detail being overlapped by thin foreground details. Long deep edges are avoided too. The smallest diatom in the middle fell down when I activated the adhesive - it was stood up and covered the highlight lower-middle which avoided the haze. Hey ho - next one will be better.rjlittlefield wrote:The stereo is remarkably free of streaky artifacts. I'm not even seeing any glitches that are typical of retouched stereo.
Is this entirely due to carefully apodized illumination, or is there some other magic?
Thanks for the additional details.Beatsy wrote:Diffuse lights shining on one side of a ping pong ball containing the scene on a glass bead.