Not sure what THIS is called...

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Not sure what THIS is called...

Post by oxkarthemighty »

Does anybody know what "part" this actually is? It is a X-section of a Blackburn's Sphinx Moth the third plate from the tip of the abdomen. He must have been very recently dead when I found him because I could still move his legs about. So I had this feller frozen in an old honey jar and somewhat forgot about him. He was definitely all dried out inside, so I suppose that this could just be dried "moth juice" so to speak; it was flat and had obvious texturing that spoke otherwise, and seemed like it formed some function. I photographed this with a 10x objective on my Olympus BH-2 131 exposure, stacked of course with Zerene. Some contrast adjustments and sharpening added.
(Sorry for the stupid watermark, I only had a photo from my flickr stream on my desktop. I always watermark those, not that it matters these days I suppose) Better res
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Post by Ichthyophthirius »

There might be someone who knows straight away, for others an overview photograph might be useful (you can be too close :D ). For example, I don't know what you mean by cross-section (transverse section?, segment?, tergite?, sternite?).

Is this a sclerite surface and you're talking about the microsculpture ("fingerprint" pattern)?

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Post by oxkarthemighty »

Hello Ichthyophthirius!
Ichthyophthirius wrote: (you can be too close)
Ichthyophthirius wrote: I don't know what you mean by cross-section (transverse section?, segment?, tergite?, sternite?
Oops, sorry. I referred to it as a plate, yes its a X-sec of a abdominal segment.
Ichthyophthirius wrote:Is this a sclerite surface and you're talking about the microsculpture ("fingerprint" pattern)?
It was definitely sclerite, that's why I was thinking maybe it was :lol: "Moth juice" that had just dried out. The only thing that had made me think different was the pattern in it. It seems just too uniform, much like a fingerprint as you say. [/quote]
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