Blow Fly on Milkweed

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Walter Piorkowski
Posts: 703
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:42 pm
Location: South Beloit, Ill

Blow Fly on Milkweed

Post by Walter Piorkowski »





Leitz Ortholux microscope
4X Leitz projection eyepiece plus 1/3x relay lens

Image 1- Leitz 2.5X Plan Achromat, 101 images at .0025" increments. 3.75x on sensor. FOV 5.3mm

Image 2- Leitz 4X Plan Fluorite, 79 images at .002" increments. 6x on sensor. FOV 3.2mm

Image 3- Leitz 6.3X Plan Apo, 63 images at .001" increments. 9.5x on sensor. FOV 2mm.

Image 4- Leitz 2.5X Plan Achromat, 65 images at .0025" increments. . 3.75x on sensor. FOV 5.3mm

My contribution to the excellent fly portraiture found on this forum. The fly, Calliphora sp., somehow got its two front feet trapped in a contraction of the milkweed flower bud. I took advantage of this mishap for the fly to get my images. The metallic sheen for which these Diptera are known is nicely documented in image 4.


Diffused Fiber Optic illumination
Canon 50D
Zerene PMax and Photoshop processing.

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