Thin section

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Thin section

Post by bernhardinho »

Hi folks,

the title is rather vage, because I'm not sure what kind of bush from my front garden I did cut here. My guess is some kind of a yew. Dyed with Astrablue/Chrysoidin:





P.S. edit: I've just learned from one of our specialists over here, that it is a juniper.

Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

"Alas...for the dearth of a taste of Gin my lord!" Sorry, been reading to much Shakespeare :lol: Great cross section there Bernhard, very colorful. :D

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Post by beetleman »

Those dyes do a wonderful job of bringing out all the features on this cross section Bernhard. Do you have to do any pre-preparation on the slice before you stain ? Being a juniper (evergreen), did you run into any sap problems?
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Doug Breda

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Post by bernhardinho »

beetleman wrote:Those dyes do a wonderful job of bringing out all the features on this cross section Bernhard. Do you have to do any pre-preparation on the slice before you stain ? Being a juniper (evergreen), did you run into any sap problems?

no, to the contrary: the stem was rather woody (if this is a word :?: :oops: ). and hard to cut. The trick of the trade is to keep it in a 50:50 mix of alcool/glycerol for some days (NO Ken; I'm not talking about Gin.) Thus it gets fixed and softened at the same time. As the cuts still are likely to get a bit thick it's good to put them in a bleaching agence (Eau de javelle) to remove cell contents. It then needs to be rinsed in destilled water and it can then be dyed without further ado.


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