I'm working on a new and (very) compact shader/diffuser for my Nikon TU PlanAPO 50x/0.8. It's still a work in progress but only a few minor tweaks left to try. I'll put up a post about it once completed.
Meanwhile, I've taken many test shots of various subjects that can be difficult to light. To speed up processing I mounted the objective on a Raynox DCR 250 (125mm FL - 31x on sensor) and used APS-C crop mode.
Here's a small selection of the most recent results. All stacks in the 150-250 image range, step size 0.63µm. No retouching.
Moss peristome stereo (edit: I think this one is actually at 50x on a DCR 150, but still APS-C cropped)
Ladybird - part of face
Part of a silicon chip
Diatoms stuck open on a coverslip
Progress is pleasing
