A spider for heavy metal fans

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A spider for heavy metal fans

Post by MarkSturtevant »

The Spined Micrathena (Micrathena gracilis) is an orbweaver that is common thru the eastern U.S. The adults will have a black and white abdomen, usually with more white than black. But I came across one where the colors were essentially inverted, and it looked pretty pretty metal, if you ask me. So she had to come home for some staged pictures.
ImageDark phase Spined Micrathena by Mark Sturtevant, on Flickr

Here is an example of a more typical one:
ImageSpined Micrathena by Mark Sturtevant, on Flickr

It always amazes me how these weird spiders are nearly helpless outside of their web, but once they are in the web they are quite nimble. And to think they build beautiful orb webs at night where they are blind.

Thanks for looking!
Mark Sturtevant
Dept. of Still Waters

Posts: 2616
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:09 pm

Re: A spider for heavy metal fans

Post by Adalbert »

very nice :smt041

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