Image Stitching

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Image Stitching

Post by Nemo »

Hello all!
Not only am I new to this forum but I am a beginner with microscopy and have a unique use for the tools.
I run a 3D metal printer and to build (print) anything on it requires very specific parameters to use for the printing process. Once a parameter has been written it is then test ran on the machine and a small metal sample if produced. (10mm cubed, see img_1137)

Those small samples are then polished to a very high finish (known as a diamond polish) and then inspected under the microscope to look for voids or cracks. (see sample-1) This is the final step in determining if the parameter goes on for further development.

To inspect the sample under the microscope I use a AmScope camera (MU1803) to take images of very small sections at 4X 10X magnification. I would like to use the stitch feature within the Amscope software to stitch them together but am running into trouble with the software. It seems the software loses track of it's previous location. I'm assuming because the surface has a high polish on it?
I do like the 'Stitch' process within Amscope and how you simply move the stage around and it automatically aligns and grabs an image. WHEN it works correctly.

Does anyone know if there is something I can do within Amscope to rectify this problem or is there another software that is better at taking images and stitching them together.

Is there anyone that can help me with this? Is there a different way I should be approaching this?

Kind regards,
Greg (Nemo) Nemecek

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Re: Image Stitching

Post by rjlittlefield »

Greg, welcome aboard!

No images appear in your post, so I assume there was some glitch in the posting process.

For a step-by-step guide to posting images, please see viewtopic.php?f=20&t=41917 .


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