...an acacia. Masses of these yellow flowers in late Winter, early spring.
Field of view about 8mm.
Silver Wattle...
Moderators: Chris S., Pau, Beatsy, rjlittlefield, ChrisR
Silver Wattle...
Last edited by crocoite on Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks Ken. Yes a tree. Acacias are a large family worldwide. The wattle trees are the Australian versions (and the Golden Wattle is our national floral emblem). When you see giraffes on the African Savannah, the trees that they are munching on are generally acacias too (although they usually have big thorns and aggressive ants. The trees that is, not the giraffes!). Google images with acacia africa and you will see the resemblence.Ken Ramos wrote:Can't say as I have seen these Steve, well until now. They sure are yellow, pardon my ingnorance but is this the flowers of a tree. Seems as though I may have heard of an acacia, not sure.Good photograph, thanks Steve
Here's a shot of the wattle in flower...

OK, I won't tell you.beetleman wrote:Don`t tell me that is your back yardvery nice cliff in the background.

Actually its just outside my boundary fence. You can just see the top of a fence post bottom-left. The cliff face here is only small. Just upstream another 100 metres or so, its much more dramatic.