I have given up on my stereo microscope ( now for sale) and have setup my 80mm Olympus OM bellows lens on my copy stand. All of these are 12 shot stacks done in Zerene of an Intel Pentium 1 microprocessor.
Michael Reese Much FRMS EMS Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
No I didn't crack open the case ( and I have been trying for years from dead electronics).
I bought his for $40 at an arts fair from a guy who used to work for Westinghouse and made jewelry from electronics parts.
This microprocessor didn't end up in someones Windows XP computer because of that rather tasteless blob of solder at the 11:30 position in the first shot.
My next step is to shoot this through my metallurgical microscope at higher magnifications than the OM 80mm bellows lens can yield.
Michael Reese Much FRMS EMS Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA