Closterium with a Paramecium clean up crew

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Closterium with a Paramecium clean up crew

Post by billporter1456 »

I noticed a Closterium with a dense “swarm” of bacteria around it. I’ve seen such “swarms” around diatoms and other cells. Then I saw something new to me but, as far as I know, it may be a common occurrence. I noticed Paramecia beginning to collect around the Closterium, mostly in the areas where the bacteria had been most dense. Eventually, there were six Paramecia lying right next to the Closterium’s cell wall. After a few minutes, the density of the bacteria “swarm” had noticeably diminished as the Paramecia feasted on them. The end of the video focuses on those little particles in the vacuoles at the tips of the Closterium. I plan to devote a video to these little particles in the near future.

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Post by Protos »

Nice observation as usual !
Zeiss Axiophot, transmitted and Fluorescence
BK5000, Transmitted and CP
Wild M20

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