Simocephalus vetulus

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Simocephalus vetulus

Post by Beatsy »

A 25-image dark field stack taken with 5d MkII and a 10/0.3 Neofluar. Relay lens gave 32x onto the sensor.

The first image from my (now) vibration-free rig. Some new Sorbothane feet for the scope and a very sturdy new table to stand it on removed the last few vibration gremlins. I could sometimes see my heartbeat jiggling things in wet mounts at high magnification - where I also had to wait a bit between stacked shots for vibrations to die away. Not anymore! It's as stable as I could wish for now and a pleasant surprise that such simple mods fixed all the remaining issues.

Perhaps a moot point here though as it looks like the cover slip was a tad too "snug" anyway :)


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