My latest Stentor video

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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My latest Stentor video

Post by billporter1456 »

I looked around in my Stentor videos and still images to see if there was anything there worth putting into a video. What I came up with is a collection featuring a juggling Stentor, a strangely positioned food vacuole far down a Stentor’s stalk, and a very short scene that appears to show a small Stentor’s behind stuck in the oral cavity of a larger Stentor.

I got a comment on my last YouTube video from a man who said, “Very 5 year old daughter loves to watch this and has me read your narrations...over and over again!” I think 5-year old kids probably should be my “target audience!”

As always, I sincerely hope the time I spent putting the video together will result in at least a modicum of enjoyment for you. It was twice the normal time editing this one as Movie Maker crashed and corrupted the project file after I’d put in about 4 hours of time. If you’re using Movie Maker with Windows 8 or 8.1, you should save your work pretty often. Actually, I do save my work often, but something went wrong and 4 hours of work went up in smoke.

Here’s the link:

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