Rotifers and Paramecia around a small air bubble

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Rotifers and Paramecia around a small air bubble

Post by billporter1456 »

Sometimes, when watching the creatures in a drop of pond water, I like to fantasize about what they are doing. I noticed a small air bubble with Rotifers racing around it. I imagined that the air bubble was a "Rotifer race track." Then I saw 3 Paramecia "take over" the air bubble. Of course, there was no real collaboration among the Paramecia. Or was there? I'll leave that question for your imagination.

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Post by Olympusman »

Interesting. Those are the most patient paramecia I have ever seen. Also, this is the second video posted recently that shows a paramecia "rubbing" behavior.
Michael Reese Much FRMS EMS Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

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Re: paramecia

Post by billporter1456 »

Olympusman wrote:Interesting. Those are the most patient paramecia I have ever seen. Also, this is the second video posted recently that shows a paramecia "rubbing" behavior.
As for the patience of the Paramecia, keep in mind the video is running at 4 times normal speed. So they are being really patient! Also, although pretty new to the microscopy hobby, I have noticed "rubbing" behavior in Paramecia quite a few times. Maybe it serves some function? Thanks for watching!

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