
Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Post by Litonotus »

realy nothing to watch right now /:

my FB page

I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.

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Location: Ketchikan Alaska USA

Post by Sumguy01 »

:-k :-k Nothing to watch?
Maybe try something new or revisit something old.
Go too the kitchen and grab the first three things you see in the spice rack.
Just trying to help :D

Posts: 1394
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:48 am
Location: Poland

Post by Litonotus »

Maybe not 'nothing' but nothing interesting in my point of view (; I probably have to revisit pet store (;
my FB page

I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.

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Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:31 pm

Nothing to watch

Post by Olympusman »

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere not near salt water are literally "frozen" out of specimens of pond water, which is why we are seeing some innovative images of objects from around the house. I have been using the opportunity to offer tissue sections from my histology slides.
My last two jars of pondwater on the windowsill are offering few subjects, even having oxygenated the water. Where a drop of pond water was literally cluttered with Closterium, I might find one in each water drop if I'm lucky. Same for Cosmarium.
Michael Reese Much FRMS EMS Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

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