A very large ciliate

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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A very large ciliate

Post by Olympusman »

A very large ciliate -- almost as large as many copepods. For reference, in this shot the fuzzy blob to the lower right is a stacked rotifer.


Michael Reese Much FRMS EMS Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

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Post by arturoag75 »

where did you found it? :shock:

Posts: 5126
Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:31 pm

Large ciliate

Post by Olympusman »

It was in a recent pond dip that I favored for its dependable population of non-testate amoeba. It's getting cold here in pennsylvania USA and I actually had to break the ice with my algae hook to get to the water.
This specimen had been moving around slowly and then it stopped and a bud of protoplasm came out and then it healed itself. I have seen this happen before where the protist got punctured by a worm or larva. This one stopped because it was either recovering or dying.
Michael Reese Much FRMS EMS Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

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