We have already filmed before this beautiful microscopic algae.
We assume that it is Closterium acerosum.
In this video we observe it with several lighting modes (oblique light, polarized light, with and without retarder, darkfield, phase contrast, and a mixture of all of them)
Free Jamendo.com music:
Manu Marin - Canon I - Medievo
Alga found in the freshwater lagoon "Paso del Rey", parallel to the river San Jose, Department of San Jose - Uruguay - South America
Some "geniuses" scientists, given the capacity of some of the species on Closterium to absorb strontium, They want to use it for "cleaned up" radioactive strontium waters contaminated by the accidents of the nuclear power plants.
Destroy the nature and use it to try vainly to heal Mother Earth.
Alga with thousand lights,maybe C.acerosum
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