I got a quotation for around $7K.Ecki wrote: I looked at AutoQuant X3 and was very impressed. Do you know how much it costs?
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
I didn't even think of the 3D aspect of it when I posted that. All of Dr. Russ plug ins are of course 2D. He does have a Z stacking plug in but it is not the deconvolution plug in which is indeed 2D. So it would help on a single fluorescence frame but not on a stack.To clarify... Most deconvolution packages are 2D only. Their goal is to back out motion blur or defocus blur from a single image. That's much different from 3D deconvolution, which (for the purposes of this thread) essentially works by using focused information in each depth plane to remove out-of-focus haze in other planes.
It may be tempting to think that you could apply 2D deconvolution on each source frame, then run a conventional stack. But that won't actually work because the required information is missing at each step. It would be like trying to recover x from x+blur(y), without knowing what y is. 3D deconvolution is more like trying to recover x and y simultaneously from x+blur(y) [in one source frame] and blur(x)+y [in a different source frame]. If you know or assume something about the blur function, then at least you have a chance with the latter problem.