Testate amoeba

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Testate amoeba

Post by Olympusman »

I followed around this Difflugia oblonga for about an hour, trying different lighting technigues to reveal the pseudopods.
At first I tried oblique lighting by shifting a darkfield stop off-center, which worked very well.
The I cut out a black paper disc and cut a bite out of it for a false DIC effect ( can't recall the name of the stop).


It was intersting the way the amoeba allocated its protoplasm. It might send out a long pseudopod to move itself forward and then retract it and send out two or three smaller pseudopods to explore.


Sometimes I could see a fine thin "feeler" extended as well. I could see the test was raised up above the surface of the slide because other protists could pass under it.


Swift M-330D Trinocular, Olympus A 20X PPL 0.40 160/17 objective, Olympus E-420 DSLR.
Michael Reese Much FRMS EMS Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

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