A few "oldies" from the files

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Charles Krebs
Posts: 5865
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Location: Issaquah, WA USA

A few "oldies" from the files

Post by Charles Krebs »

While backing up and trying to organize old files I sometimes come across shots that might be worth sharing. Here are a few...

This is the very final moments of binary fission reproduction of a Paramecium bursaria. Here they are still connected by a thin strand... tugging each other around.


An abstact DIC shot of the seed down from a Canada thistle.


This an old shot of Urceolus. It was a little deep in the water so it is not that "crisp", but in searching the forum I had not seen one posted before, so here it is...


Wim van Egmond
Posts: 826
Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:28 am
Location: Berkel en Rodenrijs, the Netherlands

Post by Wim van Egmond »

Very nice pictures! A good idea to post images from the archive. I often can't stop shooting and am left with an ever growing archive. I realy like working with the microscope, obeserving things and I hate archiving. :)


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