let me show you some photos I have made of the dried juice
of the Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus):
After 1 hour this picture was made using polarized light (Brightfield, crossed polars, objective 25/0.65)

After 2 hours such crystals were found (Brightfield, crossed polars, objective 25/0.65)

One day later (Pol, oblique illumination, objective 25/0.65)

... and some nice surfaces like this (Rheinberg/Col mix, objective 10/0.32)

Finally some liquide gold (Rheinberg/Col mix, objective 25/0.65)

I have to thank those guys like Rolf-Dieter Müller and Rainer Teubner from the german microscope forum (http://www.mikroskopie-forum.de)
who gave the idea to take a look at the Greater Celandine by their postings.
Your comments are welcome