Paramecium, bright field and phase

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Paramecium, bright field and phase

Post by ralfwagner »


these are my first shots of a paramecium that really show some details.

You can see the 2 contractile vacuoles encircled by their feeding ducts, the oral groove with the formation of a new food vacuole at its end and the overall surrounding cilia.


The next phase-contrast picture lets us have a look at the macronucleus (red arrow). It is a dark oval partially hidden by a contractile vacuole. The yellow arrow in the inset points to what I am thinking of is the micronucleus. Does somebody know if that could be true?


In the first two pictures it was necessary to have the paramecium in a rather flat state under the coverslip (actually it died a few seconds after my last shot). Otherwise the shown details would have been unvisible. On the other hand it is interesting to show the spacial dimensions of that critter, too. This picture of a freely mobile and unflattened paramecium shows us that especially the oral zone is completely different now.


Charles Krebs
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Post by Charles Krebs »

I particularly like the first shot as it shows important features that might normally take several shots to illustrate. You have 2 nice wev, the formation of a new food vacuole is clearly shown, and the cilia are nicely represented as well.

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Post by beetleman »

A Very detailed little critter Ralf. Excellent work :wink:
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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Nice shots there Ralf. :D As for the micronuclei, I would have no idea. Most of the time I have a hard time finding the macronuclueus unless it is well defined in the subject, however, I do see what you are referring too :wink: .

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