The last was a "tight shot with the 100X.
Olympus BHS. Zeiss 40/1.0 Plan Apo with Zeiss Ultracondenser (darkfield).

Olympus BHS. Zeiss 40/1.0 Plan Apo. Cross polarized illumination.

Olympus BHS. Olympus 100/1.40 S Plan Apo. DIC illumination.

Moderators: Chris S., Pau, Beatsy, rjlittlefield, ChrisR
No the mounts are different. But I had a couple of condenser mount dovetails machined to use on my Olympus for this type of "experimentation". I have one attached to the base of the Zeiss oil darkfield condenser. Seems to work just fine.just a quastion: zeiss and olympus condensere are intercangeable?
Yes. I have actually posted a fair number of pictures taken with the Zeiss 40/1.0 Plan Apo (oil, with diaphragm) as well as a few with the Zeiss 63/1.40 Plan Apo, both with Olympus DIC. With the 63X Zeiss I use the prism for the Olympus 60/1.40 oil, and with the 40X Zeiss I use the prism for the Olympus 40X (dry) Apo. They work quite nicely but with perhaps a slightly less even background illumination. You can see for yourself in these posts (look at the picture info to see which are the Zeiss images):Did you tried the Zeiss 40 1.00 planapo (and what one?) with your DIC prisms?