I have just received my fluorescent equipment, but unfortunately the GFP cube is still on backorder. Once I receive that I hope to make much prettier images of this highly fluorescent coral polyp.
For now DIC and polarised images must suffice.
20121116-DSLR_IMG_0012.jpg by pwnell, on Flickr
Green Star Polyps, 10x, POL+LP
20121116-DSLR_IMG_0013.jpg by pwnell, on Flickr
Green Star Polyps, 10x, POL+LP
20121116-DSLR_IMG_0022.jpg by pwnell, on Flickr
Green Star Polyps, 40x,DIC
20121116-DSLR_IMG_0030.jpg by pwnell, on Flickr
Green Star Polyps, 40x,DIC
Green star polyps
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