I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
I never use a digital key for ID.
With my microscopecamera I use live view on my pc.
For ID I use a german book:
Die Haplopoda und Cladocera (ohne Bosminidae) Mitteleuropas.
By Dietrich Flößner.
ISBN: 90-5782-057-9
Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 2000, The Netherlands.
For ID of the Bosminidae I use:
Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa
Bd. 8: Crustacea. 2/3 Cladocera, Bosminidae. 1996
By Ulrich Lieder.
ISBN: 3-437=25028-0
Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart.
thank you (: when it comes to microphotography I put visual and artistic features over all other things like ID, but sometimes it is good to know what I watch (:
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
ID of waterfleas is not easy, you need a good book and some experience.
If you keep on making such nice pictures, it will be a pleasure to me to ID the waterfleas if I can.
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.