Mechanoreceptors in Bug Wing

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Mechanoreceptors in Bug Wing

Post by NikonUser »

I decided to take a close look at a forewing, hemelytron, of the Birch Catkin Bug (Kleidocerys resedae) shown here: ... ight=birch

Each forewing has a thickened basal section, corium, and a distal membranous section (top image).

The rows of spots appear to be mechanoreceptors, specifically Trichoid Sensilla. Each sensillum consists of a thickened ring within a disc connected to a wing vein. - middle image, selective focus. A single hair, the sensillum, projects out from the membrane within the thickened ring - bottom image, selective focus.
These hairs bend in response to air currents, sound and vibration; each hair is innovated by a single nerve. It seems likely that the nerves pass beneath the thickened ring and through the outer disc and into and along the vein to the central nervous system (it's been a while since university days!).

Olympus BHS with 2.5x NFK relay lens, Nikon D600 camera. Top: Nikon 4x obj, others with 40x Oly objective. Zerene Stacker PMax.
student of entomology
Quote – Holmes on ‘Entomology’
” I suppose you are an entomologist ? “
” Not quite so ambitious as that, sir. I should like to put my eyes on the individual entitled to that name.
No man can be truly called an entomologist,
sir; the subject is too vast for any single human intelligence to grasp.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr
The Poet at the Breakfast Table.

Nikon camera, lenses and objectives
Olympus microscope and objectives

Charles Krebs
Posts: 5865
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:02 pm
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Post by Charles Krebs »

Nice! Good example of how insect morphology really benefits from looking much closer than permitted by a typical stereo microscope.

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