I have managed to get my hands on a tropical fish, a black neon tetra, with a severe infection of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, also abbreviated as "ich" or commonly known as "white spot". As I am no biologist I cannot say that this species identification is correct, however I am 99.9% confident these are the Ichthyophthirius sp. protozoa.
Youtube video of these protozoa moving about, attached to the tail fin of the fish:
20x * 1.6 DIC
20x * 1.6 DIC. Seems like 4 distinct protozoa in one transparent membrane of sorts?
20x * 1.6 DIC, one large and two small protozoa's.
40x * 1.6 DIC.
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
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