Chlamydodon, probably C. Mnemosyne

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Chlamydodon, probably C. Mnemosyne

Post by carlos.uruguay »

In this video we see Chlamydodon, probably Chlamydodon mnemosine.
Chlamydodon is a beautiful ciliated, that as an emerald travels through the water
It has cilios only of the side of 'below' and more lengths in its previous area.
The mouth, which is seen clearly in the video, has oval form.
We have found it swimming very rapidly at the bottom of a sample of salt water of the Rio de la Plata - Uruguay
I am grateful to Francisco Pujante
its unvaluable help in the investigation of the name of this one ciliated.
Dark field, brightfield and oblique light


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