Strobilomyces dryophilus spores

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Strobilomyces dryophilus spores

Post by lkudzma »

Here are some more mushroom spores. This one is from a Genus of similar looking mushrooms all commonly called “Old Man of the Woods”. The various species can be differentiated by the nature of the spore ornamentation. This species has a full unbroken reticulum on the spore surface. The clear areas are from the "optical sectioning" effect of DIC. You see some spores in cross section.


Again I’m getting good DIC with a Leitz 100x/1.32 Oel P objective with a Zeiss first version condenser (prism III) and the Zeiss DIC/analyzer Slider II.

My Zeiss PK 2.5x photo eyepiece crops the field of view on the camera sensor, so this is pretty much at the limit of resolution of this optic when I don’t oil the condenser to the slide. A simple brightfield image does show the reticulation, but here DIC brings out more surface contrast due to the relief effect of DIC.

Linas Kudzma
Zeiss Universal and WL 160TL stands, various Zeiss, Nikon and Leitz objectives Zeiss PK 2.5x photo eyepiece and Canon 40D SLR.

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Re: Strobilomyces dryophilus spores

Post by Pau »

lkudzma wrote: Again I’m getting good DIC with a Leitz 100x/1.32 Oel P objective with a Zeiss first version condenser (prism III) and the Zeiss DIC/analyzer Slider II.
Hi Linas,
I would like very much if you post (in the equipment forum) pictures of your setup and DIC components to better discuss this DIC stuff.
As I said I'm unable to get DIC with the 100X objectives

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Post by lkudzma »

Hi Pau,
I'll list serial numbers and post some pictures of the equipment later this week.

Linas Kudzma
Zeiss Universal and WL 160TL stands, various Zeiss, Nikon and Leitz objectives Zeiss PK 2.5x photo eyepiece and Canon 40D SLR.

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Post by darwin »


Nice result. Did you try to stack them?

Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:31 pm
Location: Annandale, NJ USA

Post by lkudzma »


I have tried stacking DIC images of spores and the result is usually very unnatural looking. The optical sectioning results in slices which do not stack well because they are so different. Maybe I need more experience with this.

I feel normal brightfield images stack much better.

Linas Kudzma
Zeiss Universal and WL 160TL stands, various Zeiss, Nikon and Leitz objectives Zeiss PK 2.5x photo eyepiece and Canon 40D SLR.

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