Once again, I got a tunicate from my reef aquarium's sump and decided to see what makes it tick. Here is what I found.
The spicules can clearly be seen, acting as structural support I presume.
40x, DIC, Helicon Focus B+C (49 images)
20120904-DSLR_IMG_0309.jpg by pwnell, on Flickr
A single spicule at the maximum my microscope can handle
60x * 2, DIC
20120904-DSLR_IMG_0520.jpg by pwnell, on Flickr
Then an artistic rendering of some spicules showing how they light up under polarized lighting
10x * 2, Polarized
20120904-DSLR_IMG_0571.jpg by pwnell, on Flickr
Tunicate spicules
Moderators: rjlittlefield, ChrisR, Chris S., Pau
Well I did use Sodium Hypochloride to dissolve the tissue of the tunicate, and the spicules remained untouched so I am confident they are mineral based.Pau wrote:Excellent, they have the distintive Mercedes Benz quality
I wasn't aware of tunicates with spicules, do you know if they are organic or mineral composed?