some weeks ago, I went to a small lake in a forest, that used to have over the
last years fine colonies of Volvox aureus in it.
This time it was a great surprise to find not just them, but some of the most
beautiful rotifers, too!
They belong to the species Conochilus hippocrepis and their colonies move freely
in the water just like Volvox does.
I've newer seen before both rotating guys in the same water...
In this Video you can see some scenes in darkfield and bluish Rheinberg illumination:
(Zeiss Standard 18; objectives 6,3/0,40; 10/0,32; 25/0,8; 25/0,65; 40/0,95;
Zeiss Ultrakondensor und turret condensor (top lenses Achr.-Apl. 1.4 or Apl. 0.9)
Finally some stills:
A colonie:

(Zeiss Standard 18; objektive 10/0,32; Ultrakondensor)
Two individuals with their red eyes:

(Zeiss Standard 18; objektive 40/0,95; Ultrakondensor)
Your comments are welcome.
Best wishes