Epithica spinigera and Epithica canis showing the differences in the markings on the top of the frons and lateral views of the terminal appendages that the males use to grasp the female's head during mating.
Leica MZ16 stereomicroscope w/extended depth of field imaging system
"You can't build a time machine without weird optics"
Steve Valley - Albany, Oregon
Charles, the MZ16 has a range from 4.5x to 115x. I could double that with a 2.0x objective, but the working distance is so tight that creative lighting would be almost impossible. I have 2 objectives, a 0.63x and a 1.0x, both are APOs. When we added our new camera there was a 1.6x magnification boost in the images, because it has more pixels on a smaller sensor. These images were shot with the old camera (1600x1200). The new camera is 2560x 1920.
"You can't build a time machine without weird optics"
Steve Valley - Albany, Oregon