
Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Wim van Egmond
Posts: 826
Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:28 am
Location: Berkel en Rodenrijs, the Netherlands


Post by Wim van Egmond »

I love Polychaetes. I have been working on my archive of last year and many of the images are a quite similar to images that are posted. It is a bit weird to post this after Franz great Polychaete images. But Franz, now you are doing so well identifying them, could you please help me out with this one?

best regards from the low countries,




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Post by RogelioMoreno »

Very nice, in these case I like more the DIC version. :wink:


Wim van Egmond
Posts: 826
Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:28 am
Location: Berkel en Rodenrijs, the Netherlands

Post by Wim van Egmond »

You are right. The darkfield one would have been better if the worm would have been on its back like the DIC image. Than the bristles would show better.

But I see so many DIC images that I think it is good to post other illuminations. :)


Franz Neidl
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Post by Franz Neidl »

Hello Wim,

you know I like very much your pictures and I love also the Polychaeta like you, but I am sorry, I can not help you in this case with the identification. I was only sure in my posting yesterday about the family of the Syllidae, becauce they are unique having a proventricle which is a very easy distinctive signe. The Article "Sylliden" in Wikipedia (unfortunately only in German) is saying: "Als endokrines Organ steuert der Proventrikel den Fortpflanzungsprozess der Sylliden und ist ein charakteristisches unverwechselbares Merkmal dieser Familie". Your polychaete does'nt have a proventricle.

The Polychaeta have about 14000 species and probably I will never know them well.


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