I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
Very nice image and very interesting effect !
Congratulations if about your UGF once again, it works perfectly. You may be proud of your achievments concerning improvements of the microscope imaging.
I can see our not so expensive PZO objectives work quite good.
I invented something new and that's a great feeling indeed (: I'm still trying to make improvements, and maybe when I finally get my e600 (3 items to go...) setup there will be no difference between DIC and my universal filter (; (on lower and middle magnifications of course)
PZO plans are really good but extremely rare and hard to get, I'm still hunting 40 and 100.
here is how does it work on 40x achromat objective but the image is visually not so as nice as the one above.
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
That is a very impressive achievement, especially at X40. You have made several improvements to your 'universal filter' over time. Can you please remind us with a picture or link what the latest version you used so successfully here, looks like?
I think I will write something about the universal filter soon. I have made some little improvemetns, but the quality of the image also depends on specimen. Last photos of tomato skin surprised me, especially the 40x one - it is very hard to take a good image with the filter on 40x.
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.
thank you, it is really wonderful to hear something like that form people who have DIC (: I can hardly wait the day I will compare DIC and the filter by myself...
As I said I will write an article about the universal filter soon.
I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.