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Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Location: Wisconsin, USA

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Post by Jbailey »

Here are a few "beasties" I snapped with a webcam and an achromat scope.

I don't know what this is, but this is a 100X view.


Here's a Gastrotrich at 400X



These are all from a hay infusion.


Franz Neidl
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Post by Franz Neidl »

Hello Jim,

the first picture: probably a flathworm (and not a ciliate)
the second: a gastrotrich
the third: a rotifer


Posts: 520
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:45 am
Location: Wisconsin, USA

Post by Jbailey »

Thanks, Franz:

That first photo is likely a worm of some kind. It "oozed" around like most worms do.

The other's photos aren't very sharp. The Gastrotrich looked fairly sharp on the computer monitor prior to snapping the shot. I guess that may be an illusion just like movies. The sharpnes of a moving image of a movie is somewhat of an illusion. The individual movie frames are slightly blurred for a more pleasing transition from frame-to-frame.

I don't know what "shutter" speed the camera uses. It seems to control image brightness by some other means. I need to keep the substage lighting quite dim to stay in the camera's usable operating range.


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