is this the ciliate Myrionecta rubrum ?

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Franz Neidl
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is this the ciliate Myrionecta rubrum ?

Post by Franz Neidl »

Is this ciliate Myrionecta rubrum (= the former Mesodinium rubrum)? It was 100 µm long and in fission (or is it in conjugation?).
You see - there are many questions and I would be very happy if you could help me.
Objective 40X, DIC, flash, marine plankton.



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Post by BJ »


I do not think so !

I have seen Myrionecta rubrum quite often (sometimes in bloom conditions). In my experience it has always been an intense red colour. It swims very rapidly and jerkily. The distribution of cilia and cirri is different from your specimen.

... but having said all that I have not seen it in division.

boa sorte,


Franz Neidl
Posts: 747
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Post by Franz Neidl »

Hello Brian !

thank you for your clear answer! You are helping me a lot.
Nevertheless, I hope we will find the right species. I think the genus Mesodinium could be correct. There are 4 marine species from Mesodinium! (Maybe it is Mesodinium acarus = syn. Mesodinium fimbriatum Stokes?).


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Post by René »

Hi Franz, I don't know for sure, but I cam across a Strombidinopsis (S setigera) that superficially looks like it, and also shows these bristles that Mesodinium (and halteriids) show. If it is Strombidinopsis, it should be covered with very fine hairs over the cell body.

HTH, René.

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