some images of a larva

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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some images of a larva

Post by Litonotus »

all taken with the universal filter.





somebody made a messy poo here...
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I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.

Posts: 2137
Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:43 pm

Post by Mitch640 »

Nice images. I wish I had a place to put that filter.

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Post by Chris_M »

Great images and interesting effect.

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Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:48 am
Location: Poland

Post by Litonotus »

thanks (:

Mitch, isn't there a way to adapt the universal filter for your scope?
my FB page

I'm looking for the the extemely rare V-IM magnification changer for the E800 scope. If you have seen a listing or have one for sale please let me know.

Posts: 2137
Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:43 pm

Post by Mitch640 »

Not really. The Fluophot has a condenser with a flip up lens and no filter tray, as the design of it requires that any filter go on top of the condenser and between the top of the condenser and the flip up lens. I have managed to get a few cutout paper darkfield filters to work, but you have to lower the condenser, put the filter on top of the condenser, raise it again, then carefully position the filter using a toothpick to move it around. And a Rheinburg filter would need to be smaller than a dime to work. Your filter would have no room at all to fit in there. :)

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