This slide yielded 50 or 60 Difflugia Corona amoeba and a number of other microbes like Uroleptus and various rotifers. I had never seen so many on a single slide. The slide was left on the microscope overnight and now the shells are empty, giving a view of their interiors and showing how they were made. Many of the shells were left with the hole up, which for me at least is almost never the case. This gave me the opportunity to see how they were made.
1. Shot using the Nikon 20x Plan Apo. A stack of 4 or 5 images in Combine ZP.
2. A 4 image stack of another shell. Some of the shells incorporated large pieces of quartz sand in their makeup, along with the "coronal" points.
3. A 4 image stack. Showing the points on his "crown".
4. A 5 image stack.
5. Another 5 image stack with a diatom shell for size comparison. This one has also added other rubble to his shell for camouflage.