Heliozoan on the move.

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Heliozoan on the move.

Post by Donw »

This is a mug shot of the suspect in question.


Looks like an innocent, common voratious predator.

I found him moving around. Inexplicably. I have the evidence needed to convict him? her? of a moving violation. You can witness that here:


I was wondering just how such an animal could move. I had read somewhere that they could, although I had never witnessed one doing so. Focusing upwards, I noticed that the tips of its Axopods were moving. Further study shows the critter 'rolling' along the microscope slide. No kidding. I have proof in this video...(notice the guest apperance of a neighborhood flagellate...possibly an Anisonema, or something similar...)


I wish I had an inverted microscope to watch this 'walking' from the 'foots' POV. Do the Axopods bend to produce motion? Does anybody know?

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