Thought it was about time for another post in the micro zone (and time for another mineral pic!). [Looks at watch. Yep. Time.]
This is a mineral called ralstonite (it may even be a distinct new mineral species) and it comes from the Mt Cleveland Mine, Luina, northwest Tasmania. Field of view 4mm.
Ralstonite, Luina, Tasmania...
Moderators: Chris S., Pau, Beatsy, rjlittlefield, ChrisR
Ralstonite, Luina, Tasmania...
Last edited by crocoite on Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hi Ken - somewhere in the region of 6,000 specimensKen Ramos wrote:Looks like a little pyramid Steve. Seems as though you have been at this for a while. Your collection of minerals must be large.

This one is not mine though - belongs to a friend who lives in Victoria. I'm just the photo-takin' guy.