No no Cordyceps, I tried to soften one of those spikes from the back of the ants head, those things are like minature nails and just as hard, broke a cover glass trying to press one out after having soaked all night in an alcohol solution.

Thought about putting it out in drive on a piece of plywood and backing over it with the truck. Now there is some "redneck microscopy" for ya.

Anyway I decided I would do the next best thing and yank a Puff Ball up out of the yard. Used to play with those things when I was a kid, spores everywhere, wonder I didn't catch somethin'. Anyway I thought that the filaments inside the dehiscent ball would still hold a few spores and they did, though not as pretty as a myxomycete of course.
Broke out the immersion oil for the shot on the right, turned out okay I guess.