1. A full frame shot. The brown line in the center is lunch in her gut. These animals have no heart, circulatory system or gills. They flex their muscles to propel fluids around the inside of the body. You can see it happening in real time. The two dark lines outside the gut are the ovaries, full of eggs. 4x.

2. The single spot at the front is the eye, out of focus here. You can see the eggs better in this shot at 10x.

3. At 20x, you can see some of the smaller life that follow the cyclops around from egg to death, then eat the body. These are Euglena.

4. The base of the body at the waist. You can see the end of the ovaries and where the tubes continue outside the shell. When ready, the eggs will be expelled at the ends of these tubes and kept in two eggsacs until they hatch. The body continues here, but it goes out of focus real fast. 20x.

5. Closeup of a muscle bunch, ovaries and the gut. All these are full frame. I don't know what the purple stuff is, it's part of the Cyclops. 20x.