Currently only a few images of these on
Total length: 0.33 mm
BHS DIC 20x S Plan, 1.25x intermediate lens, 2.5x NFK relay lens, flash
21 frames @ 4µ, ZS PMax
student of entomology
Quote – Holmes on ‘Entomology’
” I suppose you are an entomologist ? “
” Not quite so ambitious as that, sir. I should like to put my eyes on the individual entitled to that name.
No man can be truly called an entomologist,
sir; the subject is too vast for any single human intelligence to grasp.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr
The Poet at the Breakfast Table.
Nikon camera, lenses and objectives
Olympus microscope and objectives
Excellent find NU. I am looking forward to seeing one of these "in the shell". Looks like he is eating a well balanced diet. Looks like meat and vegetables were on the menu. Does he have a mastax?