Euplotes protozoan

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Euplotes protozoan

Post by NikonUser »

These guys are common in my pond-water aquarium.
Although they almost certainly occur on all surfaces they are most readily seen cruising on the lower surface of the surface film.
This is a series of 6 focus levels from the ventral surface (top left of 1st plate) to dorsal surface (2nd plate, last image bottom right) showing:
#1-#3:the ventral 5 transverse cirri, these tendril-like structures are composed of fused cilia and are used for walking on surfaces.
#2-#3: well-developed AZM (adoral zone of membranelles)
#3-#6: lots of food vacuoles.
Olympus BHS DIC, 20x S Plan Apo, 1.25x intermediate lens, 2.5x NFK
relay lens.

student of entomology
Quote – Holmes on ‘Entomology’
” I suppose you are an entomologist ? “
” Not quite so ambitious as that, sir. I should like to put my eyes on the individual entitled to that name.
No man can be truly called an entomologist,
sir; the subject is too vast for any single human intelligence to grasp.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr
The Poet at the Breakfast Table.

Nikon camera, lenses and objectives
Olympus microscope and objectives

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Post by Mitch640 »

I must have missed this one. He looks familiar, but I can't be sure if I have seen one of these or not. If it's the same one, I have a lot of them in one moss sample petri dish. I will have to look closer next time. :)

john sp.
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Post by john sp. »

Thanks to Mitch giving this one a bump, I get another opportunity to complement you on this series of photos, which so nicely give a more complete picture of this protozoa, from top to bottom.

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