Perhaps you have a mecanichal problem: dismount the condenser and inspect if the flip in lens does its complete travel. in any case, it's preferable to fine center the condenser with the auxiliary lens in and the 10X or 40X objectiveMitch640 wrote:There may be something wrong with the condenser though, as I only saw the oblique effect when I flipped that little lens up under the 40x objective, somewhat less on the 10x and not at all on the 4x.
Try to proceed in reverse: center an object under the 40X and change to the 10X, is it still centered?. (little differences in centering are usual, but not big ones in a good scope).Mitch640 wrote:Maybe it needs to be centered for each objective, cause I have noticed that when something is centered at 10x, then I flip the nose turret to 40x, the subject is not centered any more. Of course, I have no pointer to really be sure, but I always have to move the stage to recenter.
If not, you have an issue with the objective centeterig. It can be due to the objective itself or more likely with the microscope nosepiece. If the nosepiece is removable, remove it, inspect its mounting mecanism and remount it. You can also try to switch the objectives positions in the nosepiece